Our Office will be closed over the Festive Season from 23rd of Dec to 5th Jan. For all matters, please call the after-hours numbers below. Thank You

Become a Carer

Becoming a Carer

Are you interested in making a meaningful difference in the lives of our jarjums by becoming a Ngunya Jarjum Carer? We’re always looking to welcome more caring individuals into our community. If you think you have the heart and commitment to support and uplift a child, we’d love for you to consider applying.

Here are the different ways you can help

Kinship care places a child or young person with a relative or someone they already know, like a grandparent. In Aboriginal communities, kin can be a family member or someone who shares a strong cultural or community bond. This type of care helps children stay connected to their roots and avoid the trauma of being placed in an unfamiliar environment. Sadly, not every child has family or kin available to care for them, which is why foster carers from the broader community are so essential.

Long-term carers provide stability, safety, and security for a vulnerable child or young person who can’t return home for an extended period, or possibly at all. This type of care may be needed for several years or until the child reaches adulthood.

Some children and young people need temporary care while their families work on making necessary changes or await decisions about their long-term future. These placements can last for several months.

Everyone needs a break sometimes, including parents and carers. Respite care offers short-term support, such as over a weekend, once a month, or during school holidays, giving the child’s regular carers a much-needed rest.

Emergency care provides a safe and secure place for a child or sibling group when there are immediate concerns about their safety. This type of care is often needed at very short notice, with referrals coming in 24/7.

To become a carer, you need to be:
  • An Australian Citizen or permanent resident
  • In good health
  • Able to obtain clear Working with Children Check (WWCC) and National Criminal Record Check (NCRC)
  • Committed to keeping Aboriginal children connected to their families and cultures


We’d love to have you join our caring community and help us make a lasting impact on the lives of our jarjums.

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